Thursday, March 26, 2009

You are invited to attend
L.I.F.E Group
Saturday April 4, 2009

Will be the topic of this meeting.
Please bring one item that means gratitude to you in your life.

Please also bring any information you have on gratitude
to share with our group.
Brenda (801) 706-0013
Marci (801) 254-9442
Bring a Girlfriend….

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Our first night together as L.I.F.E. Group was wonderful. I am so grateful for the women that were able to come and share of themselves. We started out the night with a get to know you process called, "The gift you are in my life is..." and it was amazing.

The next thing on our agenda was to create our Group Purpose Statement. We each come up with a word to contribute and the following is the statement we created.

We as the L.I.F.E. Group are committed to create: Inspiration, Sincerity, Spirituality, Unconditional Love, Endurance, Compassion, Dedication, and Support. And so it is...

As new members attend the meetings they will have the opportunity to add their own word to our Group Purpose Statement.

The rest of the meeting was given to the subject of "Creating the things we deserve in our lives."
We all committed to create 3 things in the next 90 days. Some of us shared our 2009 visual boards and shared the miracles we are seeing in our lives. There were many ideas that were shared like list making and creating goals. It was so great to hear the different ideas. We will be diving more deeper into this subject at other meetings this year.

We closed with a yummy cake to celebrate our first meeting.

Heavenly Father created us and his gift to us is the ability to create our lives here on earth. (I have added a beautiful video that speaks of this on the blog below. It is a beautiful video.)

Again I want to thank everyone who attended and I am looking forward to our next meeting in April.

Love and Light

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gifts from group members

This is an amazing writing by Caroline Joy Adams. I found it over 16 years ago and still love it.
From Brenda Hatfield

Our first meeting pics

Lori, Cari, Brenda, Annette, Marci, Jamilee, and Erica.
Our First Treat... Yummy!!!

Gifts from group members

"The Ripple Effect"
Photography By Annette Johnson