Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcome to our L.I.F.E. Group Blog...

I am so excited this group is being called forth to be created. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring together some of the most wonderful women I have met in my life. This group originated 5 years ago as a sister weekend get-away that we enjoyed once a year. As sisters, we looked forward to our yearly time together to discuss our lives, our spiritual growth and enjoy the sisterhood of learning and teaching each other.

As I have shared the concept of creating this group with some of you, I have realized that we do deserve a forum to meet others, to share the knowledge they we have gained in our lives, and to grow from each others shared experiences. In our group meeting you will have the opportunity to be the teacher and the student. We as women are all blessed with our strengths and our weaknesses. Through sharing, caring and openness, we can all learn from each others hardships and triumphs to strengthen our individual lives.

Our first theme will be "Creating the positive changes you want in your life". Please bring with you ideas of the things that are not working in your life and things that you want to create to happen in 2009 and ways that you create changes in your own life now.

We will meet once a month on different days each month to accomodate different schedules. Our first meeting will be Friday, March 6th at 6:00-7:30 pm at my home 2604 West 13095 South Riverton Utah. My phone number is 801-706-0013 and my email is

Looking forward to seeing you there. Love and Light, Brenda Hatfield


  1. Thanks Brenda for having this first gathering at your home. I am so excited to be part of such a wonderful beginning.. Can't wait!

  2. Hi Brenda!
    Thanks for putting this together! You have been an inspiration to me! You are so loving and kind! You also have compassion and understanding. The woman's group needs someone like you! I know I do!
