Saturday, December 19, 2009

January Meeting Announcement

Merry Christmas L.I.F.E. Group Members…

I am so grateful for each of you and the ways you bless my life and the lives of each other… We are indeed staying true to or commitment statement of :

Learning and teaching one another
Clear Intention of what we are creating
Creating life long friendships
Empowering ourselves and each other

It is so amazing to me that this year is almost at a close. Since we chose to not have the group meeting for November and December to celebrate the holidays, I have realized how important the meetings are in my life and how much I deserve to be surrounded by all you beautiful women.

***Our first meeting in 2010 is going to be Saturday, January 9, 2010. 2:00pm at Marci’s home I am so excited to start out our year with a bang. The theme for this meeting will be:


We will be making our 2010 boards and creating the things we deserve in our lives. We will focus on 5 areas in our lives. Spiritual, Family, Personal Goals, Fun, and Health… Bring your old magazines, words, pictures, quotes, anything that demonstrates what you would love to create in 2010. We will supply the boards, markers, stickers, Please make a list of your personal ideas from each of the 5 areas and bring it with you. Also if you have made boards in the past please bring them or your experiences to share. This will be an amazing meeting and I look forward to seeing all of you…

Love Always
Brenda Hatfield

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to start our meetings back up, the Holidays were awesome but I miss my girls!! Can't wait to see you all!
